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R and RStudio

RStudio is an integrated development environment (IDE) for R. It includes a console, syntax-highlighting editor that supports direct code execution, as well as tools for plotting, history, debugging and workspace management. The RStudio interface is available via our Open OnDemand web portal


As R and RStudio are installed into a central non-writable location, you'll need to tell R/RStudio to install additional packages in your own home directory or other location that is writable to you. (Note: As home directories are limited to 50GiB you may opt to have R/Rstudio save packages in a group directory.) For example. 

mkdir -p /central/groups/<group-name>/<username>/R-Libraries
vi ~/.Renviron
in that file add the following entry:
kill and restart all R and Rstudio sessions via Open OnDemand. 
Launch and attempt to install new packages while specifying an install/re-install of all dependencies that are not in the main (write-only) central R distribution.
install.packages("tidyverse", dependencies = TRUE)
To launch RStudio first connect to Open OnDemand from Campus or over Caltech's VPN. Once logged in navigate to Interactive Apps > RStudio Server, enter the hours, cores and gpus required if any then click Launch. Once a node is ready you'll be able to click 'Connect to RStudio Server'